Sunday, May 06, 2007


Enjoy your Bank Holiday Weekend with Labour. I am distributing fliers houses in Castlebar, Westport and Ballina, reminding them that it was the Labour Party, who in 1993, declared the first Monday in May as a public holiday.

May Day is a commemoration of the historic role played by workers in shaping the more democratic and inclusive societies we live in now compared to those of a hundred years ago.

Yet despite this, Ireland still has one of the lowest number of public holidays in the EU

Labour knows that we all benefit when we have time to be with our families and loved ones, time to contribute to our communities, time to enjoy the fruits of our hard work.

That is why Labour, if elected to government, wants to introduce two additional annual public holidays to bring us into line with the rest of Europe. Happy May Day and looking forward to more!

ENDS Harry Barrett 087 9713268

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Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate