Friday, February 23, 2007


Up to 500 post offices could be closed by An Post after a review of the network to be completed this year. This in my view is an appalling attack on an important part of our community.

The postal network has already been decimated under the lifetime of the government. In 2000 there were around 1800 postal units in the network, yet this figure has now dropped to just 1300. Without doubt, these closures will affect many rural communities throughout Mayo

If 500 more post offices are to close down we could be left with less than 800 post offices throughout the whole country and whole communities may be forced to travel for miles to access essential postal services throuhout this county.

Postmasters and postmistresses in Mayo are right to protest at the utter lethargy shown by the government towards the postal sector. They have legitimate and deep frustration at low wages, poor working conditions, the increased attacks on post offices and the non-automation of nearly 400 post offices.

Too many communities around the county have already been devastated by the closure of their local post office, which plays a vital economic and social role in both rural and urban areas, especially for older people.

Pat Rabbitte and the Labour Party will continue to pressure the Government to do their duty for the Irish postal network and establish a proper postal strategy to secure the long-term survival of a nation-wide and viable post office network.

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Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate