Sunday, May 06, 2007

Barrett dedicates campaign to family issues

I have officially booked my spot on the ballot paper for the Mayo constituency by handing in my nomination papers at 12 o'clock today at the Courthouse in Castlebar. I was accompanied by Labour Cllr. Johnny Mee, my director of elections, William Walshe and many party supporters.

intend to focus on the issues that affect hard working families in the county, especilly in relation to health. He singled out the promise to provide Health insurance to all under 16's and free GP. Cards to all under 5's as a very progressive one.

I am angered at Fianna Fáils recent conversion to childcare issues and the plight of young couples trying to afford a home after ten years of total inaction. I am going to campaign vigorously, as a government T.D., for the Mayo's fair share of exchequer funding for the appalling state of the road network after ten years of east coast boom.

I welcome Pat Rabbittes 5 Commitments for Change and I have particular praise for Labours promise to help families where one parent stays at home to care for children or dependents by increasing the home carers credit from 770 euro to1760 euro the same level as the PAYE tax credit Barrett stated that Labour woud also increase by 5,000 euro the level at which one income families hit the higher tax rate.
ends Harry Barrett 087 9713268

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a stay at home dad - I think it is good that Labour plan to end the silly tax rules for couples - that only encourages both parents to work. A child needs a parent at home in the first few years. Also - increasing the Home Carers tax credit will help encourage one parent to stay at home (mum or dad) and care for their own children.

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate