Sunday, February 18, 2007

Barrett calls for Minister for the Regions

It is high time we see the appointment of a Minister for the Regions in a new administration, to oversee the spending of both exchequer and European monies in areas of disadvantage. I made this call at a special meeting with both Ruairi Quinn ,T.D. and Mr. Michael D Higgins, T.D., at the recent Labour Party Conference in Dublin last Saturday.

The divide between east and west is greater now that at any time in the history of the state. Monies that should have been spent in Mayo and other western counties has gone to build huge road and rail projects along the east coast. The reality is that nobody is responsible for this pickpocketting of the people of the west.

I want a minister of cabinet rank to take charge of regional development in a new administration, so that this sort of bogus planning for the west, seen under the National Development Plan, (NDP) is held up to account. A Minister in this regard would oversee the planning and delivery of the key road, rail, power and broadband networks needed to allow us to attract high end industry into the county and other .

When we read that Allergan in Westport cannot expand due to power ESB difficulties and when we see the state of the rail network we have to endure, it is time to put one person in charge of the provision of these vital network upgrades. I have had detailed meetings with both Labour deputies mentioned above, and this idea is very much on the cards. We are all in agreement in terms of what needs to be done. We have waited long enough. Let me know what you think of this a comment...
m: 087 9713268

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Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate