Crisis at Mayo General
I am very concerned about the appalling number of trollies being used on a regular basis in Mayo General Hospital. Everyone you meet has an A and E story of long waits and stressed out staff. This is an appalling situation that cannot continue. Mayo's elected representatives have failed in their attempts at providing a long term solution to this problem. The country is awash with money and basic services are still not being provided. We in the Labour Party believe that patients come first. Labour's pledge to sanction 1500 beds to deal with the crisis is commendable.

I am very concerned about the appalling number of trollies being used on a regular basis in Mayo General Hospital. Everyone you meet has an A and E story of long waits and stressed out staff. This is an appalling situation that cannot continue. Mayo's elected representatives have failed in their attempts at providing a long term solution to this problem. The country is awash with money and basic services are still not being provided. We in the Labour Party believe that patients come first. Labour's pledge to sanction 1500 beds to deal with the crisis is commendable.