Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Crisis at Mayo General

I am very concerned about the appalling number of trollies being used on a regular basis in Mayo General Hospital. Everyone you meet has an A and E story of long waits and stressed out staff. This is an appalling situation that cannot continue. Mayo's elected representatives have failed in their attempts at providing a long term solution to this problem. The country is awash with money and basic services are still not being provided. We in the Labour Party believe that patients come first. Labour's pledge to sanction 1500 beds to deal with the crisis is commendable.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bellanaboy Gas Terminal

I visited Ballinaboy on Friday morning and again on Monday morning(6th, Nov) to show solidarity with the people of Rossport who are fighting a battle with the government and Shell, who both want to push a pipeline through their village without consent.

While there I met with Vincent McGrath, one of the "Rossport 5" on the 4th of November. Vincent spoke passionately about his involvement in the campaign against the siting of a high pressure gas pipeline through his village. He is without doubt, one of the most committed and insightful men I have ever met.

His fears and that of the local community are well founded. I am disgusted at the neglect of this area by the Government.

A number of other Labour party councillors were present and are in picture below:

Declan Bree (Sligo), Catherine Connolly and Colette Connolly.

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate

Harry Barrett Labour Party Candidate